We think our Maglus Stylus is a pretty cool product. We also think Chris Hadfield is a pretty cool guy.
To show our appreciation for the inspiring astronaut, we ran a competition in his honour, and asked our community to to send us pictures of Chris Hadfield, created using a Maglus Stylus.
We’re so proud to show the entries here!
- Joshua Stoffan – @jstoffanrva
- Nina Zulkifli – @ammarnina
- Sailesh – @saileshvaghela
- Poncho Byrne – @ponchobyrne
- Juha Kinanen – @jukina
- Alexander Wiseman
We love to see images our users create for our competitions, and we’re proud to take a little bit of credit for the high-quality sketches, illustrations, drawings and much more that are possible with that little piece of metal we call Maglus!
We’d love to know what you think of the entries – on Twitter we’re @applydea, use #chrishadfieldmaglus to talk about the competition. You can also post on our Facebook, or leave a comment here on this blog post, of course.
And here’s Noel, Maglus Designer, when he got to meet Chris last month in Dublin and show him the Maglus – what a gent.
Hi there
Have you missed an entry? I posted one for my son, Alexander, using the #chrishadfieldmaglus hash tag on Facebook on December 30th. Done with a Maglus on Notability.
Hi Ian,
I’ve mailed you there. Please let me know if you get it!