An artist’s insight to using Maglus – Susan Muratugh
Happy Monday guys, Paula here. I thought it was appropriate to share this feel good post today and get the week off to a positive start. So, read on and enjoy!
In the short time I’ve been working at Maglus, I’ve realised that the Maglus customers are more than ‘customers’. They’re loyal followers and supporters who genuinely care about our brand. Interacting with these lovely people is what I view as a perk of my job. An example being, US Artist – Susan Murtaugh. I’ve only been chatting to Susan a few weeks, but am hugely impressed by her amazing art and warm personality! I was surprised and equally delighted to receive a glowing review of Maglus from her. Rest assured, she took the time to write the content below without being asked(harassed or bribed!)
As the saying goes – “Its nice to be important, but more important to be nice”
So here at Maglus, it goes without saying that we’ll continue to be nice. If every customer is half as satisfied as Susan, we’ll be doing something right!
Here’s a little info on Susan…