March 23, 2016 by

April Competition

You know the drill by now. It’s April, which means…we want your monthly competition entries.

We’ve had some super winners since the start of the year and think we’re well on our way to creating a brilliant calendar. This images below should give you an idea of the diversity so far.

Now is your cue to draw an image using the theme of ‘April’. Perhaps this is your month to shine. Remember that we want you to express what this month means to you. For us, we think of Tulips. But we couldn’t resist an image which shows macaroons and coffee too!

Incase you haven’t been following, the plan is to create a 2017 calendar full of images from the Maglus Community. The winning entry for each month will be featured in the calendar. If you love to sketch or have ambitions to be the next big thing in the art world, get involved! PLUS…

We’re giving away a prize to each winner. This month we’re giving away a Maglus Notebook. If you don’t already own one, this nifty sketchpad comes with a Graphite Tip too!

Entry is simple, just send us a drawing with the theme of ‘APRIL’.
All artwork must be created using the Maglus Stylus.

How to Enter:

– Send the pictures to: paula [at] maglusstylus [dot] com
– Upload your picture to our Facebook Page
– Share your picture on our Twitter account and use the hashtag – #maglus

Competition closes on Friday 29th April 2016


Here are the winning entries to date.

Paula studied Furniture Design at DIT in Dublin. She uses the Maglus for quick sketches and notes. She loves tea, coffee and yoga(but not at the same time).