June 12, 2014 by

Bloomsday Competition

After all the crazy talk about the World Cup, I would like to turn our attention to a more sophisticated and elevated topic.

(By the way, we are playing a raffle in the office for the World Cup – each person got two teams assigned, and whoever has been assigned the winning team will get a small gift from everyone else. I got Iran and the Netherlands. Guess that’s one horrible thing less to worry about – you never know what people will get the winner if they all come out as losers…!)

Now, where was I? Ah yes, the competition! This Monday, June 16, is “Bloom’s Day” – a very special day where people walk around Dublin dressed in Edwardian costume and meet at some of the pubs and places mentioned in the novel to talk about and quote from Joyce’s classic “Ulysses”. It’s always celebrated on the same day, the reason being that the all of the events narrated in the novel are taking place on June 16, 1904. This year, in 2014, it’s been 110 years since the first Bloom’s Day!

I have never read a novel by James Joyce, I admit it. Having lived in Ireland for over 5 years now, I feel it’s high time I started cracking one open, though. This is where the fun starts and the competitions sets off! It’s VERY easy to enter, as always. The prize are two beautiful microfibre tips:

Two beautiful, shiny microfiber tips. Who wouldn't want them?

Two beautiful, shiny microfiber tips. Who wouldn’t want them?

And if you want me to pick YOU, simply comment below and tell me this: Have you ever gotten through a novel by James Joyce, back to front? If yay, HOW WAS IT? If nay, please make up a good excuse (my excuse is the amazing night life in Dublin, so you can’t use that one!).

Carla is originally from Germany, so she definitely sees the practical aspects of the Maglus. She also really enjoys discovering the awesome things some people can do with it. Huge fan of languages, music and ardent observer of cats in and around Dublin (for lack of her own).