How many pictures could you create in a day?
We sat artist and animator Fergal Brennan down, equipped with nothing more than a brush-tipped Maglus stylus and an iPad (using Procreate app), in front of the ever changing light outside his window. His singular goal was to complete 5 minute sketches from 7am to 7pm.
How did he get on? Wonderfully! He managed to produce 65 very beautiful sketches. We were so impressed, that we convinced him to composite them into a 30 second animation, complete with soundscape. The result can be seen below, highly evocative and available to be enjoyed by anyone who would like a 30 second stroll down Sandymount Strand in Dublin, Ireland.

We hope this helps you as Maglus users see the value in our new Brush Tip. Fergal was very impressed with it's durability, as well as it's frictionless meditative draw. We don't think for a second that this is a replacement for what is available from a real brush and canvas, but it does have very real advantages. It's convenient, responsive and allows for all sorts effects, as can be seen in the individual sketch videos near the end of this article. Our absolute favourite advantage though, is how easily the results can be shared with and enjoyed by those important to you.
The design team spent many months designing, developing and testing the Brush Tip to give you the best experience possible; we hope you enjoy using it as much as we enjoyed making it.
The bar has been set! Let's see what you can do!
Love painting but looking for an alternative to the traditional? Short on time involved with setting up an easel and tools required? Looking for a cheaper alternative?
Then we've just the thing to help you brush up on your painting skills. Sometimes its nice to take a different route and do it digitally.

Introducing the Brush Tip:
If you're artistic and want to take full advantage of the creative apps available on your iPad, tablet or phone, take a look a the new brush tip for Maglus.
As our stylus is rated number one for illustrators, designers, cartoonists and comic book artists, we thought it fitting to devise a clever brush tip, allowing professionals and hobbyists alike to get more our of their Maglus, and express themselves fully through digital art.
The Maglus Brush Tip utilizes a unique synthetic brush hair which has been instilled with conductive capability. When bound together, this soft hair gives the fluency of a paintbrush, working beautifully with all your favourite painting and drawing apps.
Like the other tips in the Maglus range, it's made from high-quality materials, and only takes a moment to swap in.
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using the new Brush Tip for Maglus