Category Archives: Helping hands

August 27, 2014 by

Maglus: The only tool you’ll need for school

It’s back-to-school time!

For many, this time of year means the onset of two unavoidable evils… eer, events: the end of the summer and the start of a new school year. Some of you may rejoice at the thought of stocking up on their favourite and oh-so-helpful-colourful-and-wonderful stationary, but wait!

Don’t you have a Maglus and a tablet?

We have gathered the Top 5 reasons why you should ditch your old refill pad and take your Maglus & tablet to school college (or work!) instead. Who knows – it might make going back a little more fun?

May 21, 2014 by

Maglus stylus and Raynaud’s and Scleroderma

Raynaud’s and Scleroderma are conditions that affect the extremities. I hadn’t heard of either until a few weeks ago, but since I’ve been researching and talking to people about it, I’ve found that many people I know are affected – even some people close to me!

But what’s all this got to do with the Maglus Stylus? Well, the stylus helps those with reduced finger dexterity, which, unfortunately, is a common problem for suffers.