Category Archives: New Projects

September 17, 2015 by

September…Our guilty pleasure.

You’ve probably guessed that we think September rocks! We are of course big fans of Summer and love nothing more than taking a well deserved holiday. But really, everyone knows September is where it’s at… So we’re giving you full permission to embrace our guilty pleasure.

Here’s a round-up of the top reasons why we love this month. Do you agree or have anything to add? Let us know and we’ll give a FREE Maglus to the best comment!

1.Take advantage of that Back-to-School Mindset!   

September is the perfect month for setting yourself new goals and starting afresh. Don’t waste that get-prepared mindset of this back-to-school time of year! Shorter evenings mean more time to spend indoors to work on new projects. And all that ‘September studious’ buzz is giving us so many ideas. Plus it’s the perfect excuse to finally use all that stationery you’ve been swooning over!

May 28, 2015 by

Hello from China – (part 2!)

While I was in China and when I got a couple of minutes, I spent a little time working on a new product idea I have been thinking about. Its really amazing how quickly an idea can be developed when working in Shenzhen. As with all product ideas they need to be fleshed out with some sketching and for this I use my trusty Maglus with Graphite Tip and Notebook.

Sketching with graphite tip

In the case of this particular project it has already been established what the product will do, in this
picture a map has been made to show how it will work. Once I got this work done I could hit the markets and find some components for the electronic components.