We like things mini – do you?
—— This competition is now closed. Thank you to everyone who entered. ——
As you may know, we had our official launch of the Maglus Stylus Mini recently.
So, we thought it’s time for a small competition!
—— This competition is now closed. Thank you to everyone who entered. ——
As you may know, we had our official launch of the Maglus Stylus Mini recently.
So, we thought it’s time for a small competition!
Time for a World Cup Final GIVEAWAY: If Germany win 3:0, you may look forward to a great prize!
Thrilling matches, dancing Colombian players, numerous emotional moments and many, uncountable goals (this World Cup is one of the highest-scoring in World Cup History)… all of these aspects have made the FIFA World Cup of 2014 one of the biggest sports events in history.
——– This competition is now CLOSED. Thank you to everyone who entered! ———-
Summer is upon us! It is definitely the best season by far – hot weather, ice cream vans, swimming pools… Although the Irish summer never lasts for longer than a week, I still find it highly enjoyable.
—— This competition is now closed. Thank you to everyone who entered! ——
“Garfield was born June 19, 1978, in the kitchen of Mamma Leoni’s Italian Restaurant weighing 5 lbs and 6 ounces at birth and loved Lasagna the day he was born. Ever since then, it has always been his favorite food.”
This is how the story begins of one of the most famous comic cats in the world – Garfield! And today, June 19, is his birthday.
After all the crazy talk about the World Cup, I would like to turn our attention to a more sophisticated and elevated topic.